When Kevin Barrett referred to this article, I asked for a link. I'd been subbing all the 'irregular' Unz bloggers to make sure I didn't miss a new post, but couldn't find it. And now I find I've been missing the motherlode! Glad to be tapped in.
Very thought provoking and unique perspective in this article, Laurent. On the history, I feel like you fill in the missing pieces on a puzzle I've been staring at without seeing the shape of the design. I knew what Churchill did for the Jews in WWII, but not that he was Secretary for the Colonies prior.
The Messianic desperation seems very real. I wonder if we'll see another faked assassination of Trump by a Palestinian-American, only to whisk him off to Epstein Island and put Vance in charge. Trump would be the martyr getting red-blooded American men to fight in the Middle East, while Vance takes care of business.
On your interview with Mees Baaijan I wrote: "I'm glad that Laurent has done the research on Hitler as an agent of the Rothschilds/ City of London. People I respect on my stack have presented solid evidence on both sides. At the moment, I'm leaning that he wasn't. The economic plan I attribute to Feder but his own words are too brilliant to be an actor. Julius Skoolafish has been posting long quotes from Mein Kampf and his speeches, along with The Green Book by Qaddafi and from Mussolini. Everything we've been taught is upside down.
"Where I differ from Mees is that 500 yrs is too short a timeframe. The system of coinage and taxation, as I talk about in my book, was launched to make us complicit in the conquest and enslavement of our neighbors. It was in the same timeframe as the Axial Age religions, although that might have been as late as 700 CE from Laurent's Anno Domini.
"The Torah talks about these techniques with Joseph turning all the Egyptian farmers into indentured servants--to this day, as he brags. The system of slipping Hyksos women into the harems of royals is in the Torah (repeatedly) and the history of the Hyksos of Avaris infiltrating and usurping the role of Pharaoh. Tubal-Cain was the name of metalworkers or goldsmiths. Cain is given protection by Yahweh in his travels. Was this coinage?
"There's always a tribe of landless, nomadic men who lay siege to the towns until they turn on their own leaders and kill them to have 'peace.' According to anthropologists, shepherds were feared and also drove away the wild game of hunters. They rode horses and carried a curved blade like a scythe, the symbol of the grim reaper. Did the Hyksos become the Royal Scythes, from whom Constantine is said to hail?
"Along with the question of who are the men behind the Wizard of Oz projection of Yahweh is who are the puppetmasters now. I agree with both Mees and Laurent. The 'Jews' or Ashkenazis are just the latest iteration of 'Yews' in the Hebrew pronunciation, or Ewes being used. The 1% narrows it down but it's more likely the .001% or 1 in 100,000 or even a million."
It's a real pleasure to read you and listen to you, Laurent.
I knew it was bad for many yrs but it took me til I stumbled on Leon Rossleson's MEDIUM page and read a few of his essays to be really wow. He was one of those types, a-la Weininger, and the whole deal (political Zionism) is based on that fundamental self-awareness, to paraphrase Herzl, 'it is with them wherever they may go' they sure seem to have brought it to the Cursed Land (I am committed to call it that, what it is, for the rest of my life). I'm still in NYC (need to move ASAP) and ny closest circle is two Jewish Boomers native New Yorkers, born in 1949. Totally different personalities but on the same page about a whole lot of things, both very Liberal, progressive (whatever that means, I take it to mean 'you are free to choose between any of the choices WE say are legit' anything else is Fascist etc)
but neither seems to have read Herzl’s writing, and both are highly educated, one at Harvard the other one at CCNY. Latter one has been yelling at me that 'people like me' (= the disgusted by politricks who's never, ever voted) shouldn't ever be allowed to vote ! Doesn't notice the inconsistency in his thinking.
Endless accusations of being Right wing, which is interesting and one of the cruxes of the matter. So I recently brought up this question to the other friend, the Harvard educated liberal, Jewish NY boomer: 'D. Pls I seriously have to ask , why you think it is that anything Left-wing is OK, even hip, still today, but the other wing is , has been and will likely remain the not good wing. Since we have ample evidence throughout the 20th century that Left-wing systems led to comparable if not higher numbers of people being slaughtered, how does the Left still get a pass?" His answer took a few secs although I bet he must know it's a dumb answer he gave me. "Because the Right's rhetoric is all hate" LMAO when I bring up reading an old Jewish anti-war folk songwriter like Rossleson and his MEDIUM pieces wit the CCNY guu it's always this:
'Get out of my house! Keep Jews out of your mouth!'
Been saying forever, the Middle East and the US foreign policy towards it has been the albatross around the West's neck since the early 60s. After going thru Final Judgment, it's clear to me.
I need to buy your books Laurent. Rossleson's in his 90s I thought he stopped publishing but now seeing a 2024 piece, you're prob familiar but I learned a thing or two with his blog too: https://rosselson.medium.com/
Excellent review, thank you. I will be sure to add this book to my reading list.
I don't view the evolution of Zionism as having failures as much as incremental stair-step successes. While the book seems to address European policies and actions as part of the struggle of Zionism to gain footholds, there were important successes occurring in America, especially during critical junctures like the Wilson administration, and these paved the way for Zionism during the later shift of power from Britain to America.
President Wilson's leadership in pressing for self-determination to free the world of colonialism came up hard against Zionism and the two never became reconcilable, with Wilson and every president thereafter either actively siding with Zionists or avoiding and delaying decisions that would adversely affect the Zionist colonialist crusade.
Kathleen Christison in her book "Perceptions of Palestine" relates the meeting between US Supreme Court Judge Brandeis and Lord Balfour at the Paris peace conference in 1919. Brandeis was named to the court by Wilson and was also president of Zionists of America and provided a conduit to Wilson for other Zionist leaders. When asked by Balfour how Wilson could reconcile support for Zionism with the principle of self-determination, Brandeis observed that Zionism proposed to deal with a "world problem"—the fate of worldwide Jewry—that transcended the interests of any existing local community.
Abrogating the fundamental right to self-determination which was foundational to Wilson's leadership and legacy was a huge win for Zionism.
Three months after his conversation with Brandeis, Balfour wrote his famous memorandum acknowledging that "in Palestine we do not propose even to go through the form of consulting the wishes of the present inhabitants of the country." The Allies were already committed to Zionism, he wrote. "And Zionism, be it right or wrong, good or bad, is rooted in age-long traditions, in present needs, in future hopes, of far profounder import than the desires and prejudices of the 700,000 Arabs who now inhabit that ancient land." Balfour forthrightly acknowledged that "so far as Palestine is concerned, the Powers have made no statement of fact which is not admittedly wrong, and no declaration of policy which, at least in the letter, they have not always intended to violate."
B.N. writes that "he did in fact say that ‘the division of Turkey means a world war’". I think I read it directly from his journal, but I would have to check.
An outstanding review. However, if l may pick up on your closing point. It seems to me that presently, there still is a remarkable amount of life left in the Chomskian excuse that "America made us do it." It seems to be the default position of the leftists dominated Palestinian solidarity movement here in America. One even finds quite commonly the claim that Israel is a white supremacist state. In this view, nothing distinguishes Israel from any other European colonial-settter project. Israelis are commonly called Europeans by Arab Twitter/X activists. Adding to it, we even have Mizrahi Israeli Jews now condemning Israel for it's white supremacy: https://www.unz.com/mwhitney/white-supremacy-is-deeply-embedded-into-zionism/
Thanks. I would say that confusing Zionism with a special case of White supremacism is one way to diffuse anti-Zionism and divert pro-Palestinian protest against White. It plays for the Jews, and must be encouraged by them. Since Ashkenazis are White, their racism against the Mizrahi is a kind of white racism, but I'm not sure of the connection between those two things.
The only definite connection l know of, between the apparently common color prejudice Ashkenazis have against the Mizrahi in Israel, and what is commonly understood to be the historic American ideology of White Supremacy is that it exists in the mind of one Mizrahi Israeli. One with a SubStack page. One last question on the Ashenazis-Mizrahi divide. Say those early Zionists had caught one of those trains you discussed. So that a Jewish state emerged with the land "redeemed" no ands, ifs, or buts. A land redeemed and secured solely by Ashkenazis. Would that state have immediately undertaken to Instigate the "ingathering" of the Mizrahi? So, in other words, was Israel at least potentially a state just for Ashkenazis? And is there any evidence this was in the minds of the founding fathers of Israel?
I think the Zionists have always been desperate to fill their Israel demographically, so I don't think they were choosy by principle. Their priority was to gather as many Jews as possible in Palestine, regardless of color or origin. Although today (since 1967), Zionists know they need powerful Jews to remain in every Western country, Netanyahu is still using every opportunity to call Jews to do their alya. So no, I don't think there was a plan for an Ashkenazi-only Israel. Those Jews, anyway, are not impressed by the Khazar hypothesis (and rightly so, in my view), they do believe, or pretend to believe, that Jews everywhere are of Hebrew descent. But that internal conflit is good to keep in mind. Thanks
International law in my mind was born out of Nuremberg . And now we see all thought of international law being shredded by Israel. More and more Iit looks like modern Idrael has opened a whole new chapter in Bible lessons as we watch the chosen people make yet another huge mess of things.
"While Israelis have lost all decency as a nation, the Palestinians have earned, through their heroic resistance and extraordinary resilience, the right to own their ancestral land and govern themselves."
Like your use of the missing the train analogy, they seem experts at missing the damn train. Used to be a joke or meme I saw
Q: why is it that they control the media ?
A: because they gotta
You rightly point to something I often wonder about you think it's another instance of them missing the train as far as the internet having been the way by which let's say all these cats have left the bags, genies out of the bottle so to speak on this that and the other department . you think the way the web ended up as conduits for vast amount of info being divulged, but inadvertently like some kind of galactic miscalculation , backfiring, it's obviously lead to quite a cosmic backlash for the establishment (here in NYC apparently Robert Deniro is having fits that seems to be backfiring on his old Guinea ass too since I read he was dropped from a couple of different projects lately) to think that in in months now we have certain things that send you to jail in many countries in Western went seemingly popular.
After reading the slavland crusader I don’t think Iran or Russia are against the west. You can see the same group that surrounds trump also surrounds putin. They are controlled opposition. No more threatening than the arab in the WWF. In fact you could look at the world as one big WWE conglomerate. The wrestlers talk about how they hate each other, tell the guy “Ill do this to you in the ring”.
But we know the matches are rigged. The winner is picked before the match starts. Same thing here only the poor fools fighting on the front lines believe the matches are real and risk life and limb to ensure their “side” wins.
I am not sure I agree with your analysis of Israel. Not because I "know" better - here know is used in the meaning of intuition or research,
but because I know better from living there 30 years (before I left it sometime in the mid 90's).
Israel does a very poor job in taking care of its own Jewish citizens, and I don't mean physical safety, but it destroys them mentally, culturally, etc. This is something very significate a lot of people don't really get. In a way this is the big secret of Israel (also Israelis don't see it).
The idea that the notion of "chosen-ness" is actually responsible for Israel’s policy sounds very appealing at first, and I myself was grappling with it for years. I have read Gilad Atzmon ideas which sort of make sense (in a way) but it leads to an intellectual dead end in my mind, even though it is very true in many parts - the overall conclusions are weak.
Israel has just manoeuvred itself to become centre for some int'l criminal mafia under the guise of a Jewish state (which it really isn't). This reality allowed for a lot of crazy stuff to happen in Israel who must maintain its Jewish front as a means of legitimacy to the entire project.
That is my current thinking - in a nutshell
I will, of course, change this outlook should I be persuaded to do so.
The stupidity of Israel in my mind comes from the outside.
When Kevin Barrett referred to this article, I asked for a link. I'd been subbing all the 'irregular' Unz bloggers to make sure I didn't miss a new post, but couldn't find it. And now I find I've been missing the motherlode! Glad to be tapped in.
Very thought provoking and unique perspective in this article, Laurent. On the history, I feel like you fill in the missing pieces on a puzzle I've been staring at without seeing the shape of the design. I knew what Churchill did for the Jews in WWII, but not that he was Secretary for the Colonies prior.
The Messianic desperation seems very real. I wonder if we'll see another faked assassination of Trump by a Palestinian-American, only to whisk him off to Epstein Island and put Vance in charge. Trump would be the martyr getting red-blooded American men to fight in the Middle East, while Vance takes care of business.
On your interview with Mees Baaijan I wrote: "I'm glad that Laurent has done the research on Hitler as an agent of the Rothschilds/ City of London. People I respect on my stack have presented solid evidence on both sides. At the moment, I'm leaning that he wasn't. The economic plan I attribute to Feder but his own words are too brilliant to be an actor. Julius Skoolafish has been posting long quotes from Mein Kampf and his speeches, along with The Green Book by Qaddafi and from Mussolini. Everything we've been taught is upside down.
"Where I differ from Mees is that 500 yrs is too short a timeframe. The system of coinage and taxation, as I talk about in my book, was launched to make us complicit in the conquest and enslavement of our neighbors. It was in the same timeframe as the Axial Age religions, although that might have been as late as 700 CE from Laurent's Anno Domini.
"The Torah talks about these techniques with Joseph turning all the Egyptian farmers into indentured servants--to this day, as he brags. The system of slipping Hyksos women into the harems of royals is in the Torah (repeatedly) and the history of the Hyksos of Avaris infiltrating and usurping the role of Pharaoh. Tubal-Cain was the name of metalworkers or goldsmiths. Cain is given protection by Yahweh in his travels. Was this coinage?
"There's always a tribe of landless, nomadic men who lay siege to the towns until they turn on their own leaders and kill them to have 'peace.' According to anthropologists, shepherds were feared and also drove away the wild game of hunters. They rode horses and carried a curved blade like a scythe, the symbol of the grim reaper. Did the Hyksos become the Royal Scythes, from whom Constantine is said to hail?
"Along with the question of who are the men behind the Wizard of Oz projection of Yahweh is who are the puppetmasters now. I agree with both Mees and Laurent. The 'Jews' or Ashkenazis are just the latest iteration of 'Yews' in the Hebrew pronunciation, or Ewes being used. The 1% narrows it down but it's more likely the .001% or 1 in 100,000 or even a million."
It's a real pleasure to read you and listen to you, Laurent.
Been loving your brave work.
I knew it was bad for many yrs but it took me til I stumbled on Leon Rossleson's MEDIUM page and read a few of his essays to be really wow. He was one of those types, a-la Weininger, and the whole deal (political Zionism) is based on that fundamental self-awareness, to paraphrase Herzl, 'it is with them wherever they may go' they sure seem to have brought it to the Cursed Land (I am committed to call it that, what it is, for the rest of my life). I'm still in NYC (need to move ASAP) and ny closest circle is two Jewish Boomers native New Yorkers, born in 1949. Totally different personalities but on the same page about a whole lot of things, both very Liberal, progressive (whatever that means, I take it to mean 'you are free to choose between any of the choices WE say are legit' anything else is Fascist etc)
but neither seems to have read Herzl’s writing, and both are highly educated, one at Harvard the other one at CCNY. Latter one has been yelling at me that 'people like me' (= the disgusted by politricks who's never, ever voted) shouldn't ever be allowed to vote ! Doesn't notice the inconsistency in his thinking.
Endless accusations of being Right wing, which is interesting and one of the cruxes of the matter. So I recently brought up this question to the other friend, the Harvard educated liberal, Jewish NY boomer: 'D. Pls I seriously have to ask , why you think it is that anything Left-wing is OK, even hip, still today, but the other wing is , has been and will likely remain the not good wing. Since we have ample evidence throughout the 20th century that Left-wing systems led to comparable if not higher numbers of people being slaughtered, how does the Left still get a pass?" His answer took a few secs although I bet he must know it's a dumb answer he gave me. "Because the Right's rhetoric is all hate" LMAO when I bring up reading an old Jewish anti-war folk songwriter like Rossleson and his MEDIUM pieces wit the CCNY guu it's always this:
'Get out of my house! Keep Jews out of your mouth!'
Been saying forever, the Middle East and the US foreign policy towards it has been the albatross around the West's neck since the early 60s. After going thru Final Judgment, it's clear to me.
I need to buy your books Laurent. Rossleson's in his 90s I thought he stopped publishing but now seeing a 2024 piece, you're prob familiar but I learned a thing or two with his blog too: https://rosselson.medium.com/
Excellent review, thank you. I will be sure to add this book to my reading list.
I don't view the evolution of Zionism as having failures as much as incremental stair-step successes. While the book seems to address European policies and actions as part of the struggle of Zionism to gain footholds, there were important successes occurring in America, especially during critical junctures like the Wilson administration, and these paved the way for Zionism during the later shift of power from Britain to America.
President Wilson's leadership in pressing for self-determination to free the world of colonialism came up hard against Zionism and the two never became reconcilable, with Wilson and every president thereafter either actively siding with Zionists or avoiding and delaying decisions that would adversely affect the Zionist colonialist crusade.
Kathleen Christison in her book "Perceptions of Palestine" relates the meeting between US Supreme Court Judge Brandeis and Lord Balfour at the Paris peace conference in 1919. Brandeis was named to the court by Wilson and was also president of Zionists of America and provided a conduit to Wilson for other Zionist leaders. When asked by Balfour how Wilson could reconcile support for Zionism with the principle of self-determination, Brandeis observed that Zionism proposed to deal with a "world problem"—the fate of worldwide Jewry—that transcended the interests of any existing local community.
Abrogating the fundamental right to self-determination which was foundational to Wilson's leadership and legacy was a huge win for Zionism.
Three months after his conversation with Brandeis, Balfour wrote his famous memorandum acknowledging that "in Palestine we do not propose even to go through the form of consulting the wishes of the present inhabitants of the country." The Allies were already committed to Zionism, he wrote. "And Zionism, be it right or wrong, good or bad, is rooted in age-long traditions, in present needs, in future hopes, of far profounder import than the desires and prejudices of the 700,000 Arabs who now inhabit that ancient land." Balfour forthrightly acknowledged that "so far as Palestine is concerned, the Powers have made no statement of fact which is not admittedly wrong, and no declaration of policy which, at least in the letter, they have not always intended to violate."
The world has never looked back really.
Very good. I agree Israel is as much a failure as it is a success. And now the messianic crazies take over.
"Herzl betted on a world war that would lead to the dismantling of the Ottoman Empire"
I've read this before but never found an actual source. Is this true?
B.N. writes that "he did in fact say that ‘the division of Turkey means a world war’". I think I read it directly from his journal, but I would have to check.
An outstanding review. However, if l may pick up on your closing point. It seems to me that presently, there still is a remarkable amount of life left in the Chomskian excuse that "America made us do it." It seems to be the default position of the leftists dominated Palestinian solidarity movement here in America. One even finds quite commonly the claim that Israel is a white supremacist state. In this view, nothing distinguishes Israel from any other European colonial-settter project. Israelis are commonly called Europeans by Arab Twitter/X activists. Adding to it, we even have Mizrahi Israeli Jews now condemning Israel for it's white supremacy: https://www.unz.com/mwhitney/white-supremacy-is-deeply-embedded-into-zionism/
What do you make of this?
Thanks. I would say that confusing Zionism with a special case of White supremacism is one way to diffuse anti-Zionism and divert pro-Palestinian protest against White. It plays for the Jews, and must be encouraged by them. Since Ashkenazis are White, their racism against the Mizrahi is a kind of white racism, but I'm not sure of the connection between those two things.
The only definite connection l know of, between the apparently common color prejudice Ashkenazis have against the Mizrahi in Israel, and what is commonly understood to be the historic American ideology of White Supremacy is that it exists in the mind of one Mizrahi Israeli. One with a SubStack page. One last question on the Ashenazis-Mizrahi divide. Say those early Zionists had caught one of those trains you discussed. So that a Jewish state emerged with the land "redeemed" no ands, ifs, or buts. A land redeemed and secured solely by Ashkenazis. Would that state have immediately undertaken to Instigate the "ingathering" of the Mizrahi? So, in other words, was Israel at least potentially a state just for Ashkenazis? And is there any evidence this was in the minds of the founding fathers of Israel?
I think the Zionists have always been desperate to fill their Israel demographically, so I don't think they were choosy by principle. Their priority was to gather as many Jews as possible in Palestine, regardless of color or origin. Although today (since 1967), Zionists know they need powerful Jews to remain in every Western country, Netanyahu is still using every opportunity to call Jews to do their alya. So no, I don't think there was a plan for an Ashkenazi-only Israel. Those Jews, anyway, are not impressed by the Khazar hypothesis (and rightly so, in my view), they do believe, or pretend to believe, that Jews everywhere are of Hebrew descent. But that internal conflit is good to keep in mind. Thanks
I'd recently understood or come to learn Ashkenazis are not White.
Very enlightening. Much thanks. Have you read. Christian O’Brien’s book “The Genius of the Few?”
No, I'll check it out, thanks (it's on archive.org)
International law in my mind was born out of Nuremberg . And now we see all thought of international law being shredded by Israel. More and more Iit looks like modern Idrael has opened a whole new chapter in Bible lessons as we watch the chosen people make yet another huge mess of things.
But Nuremberg was a grotesque and bloody (behind the the world stage) spectacle...the antithesis of justice, accountability.
"While Israelis have lost all decency as a nation, the Palestinians have earned, through their heroic resistance and extraordinary resilience, the right to own their ancestral land and govern themselves."
very well said
Like your use of the missing the train analogy, they seem experts at missing the damn train. Used to be a joke or meme I saw
Q: why is it that they control the media ?
A: because they gotta
You rightly point to something I often wonder about you think it's another instance of them missing the train as far as the internet having been the way by which let's say all these cats have left the bags, genies out of the bottle so to speak on this that and the other department . you think the way the web ended up as conduits for vast amount of info being divulged, but inadvertently like some kind of galactic miscalculation , backfiring, it's obviously lead to quite a cosmic backlash for the establishment (here in NYC apparently Robert Deniro is having fits that seems to be backfiring on his old Guinea ass too since I read he was dropped from a couple of different projects lately) to think that in in months now we have certain things that send you to jail in many countries in Western went seemingly popular.
After reading the slavland crusader I don’t think Iran or Russia are against the west. You can see the same group that surrounds trump also surrounds putin. They are controlled opposition. No more threatening than the arab in the WWF. In fact you could look at the world as one big WWE conglomerate. The wrestlers talk about how they hate each other, tell the guy “Ill do this to you in the ring”.
But we know the matches are rigged. The winner is picked before the match starts. Same thing here only the poor fools fighting on the front lines believe the matches are real and risk life and limb to ensure their “side” wins.
Exceptional piece Laurent and very moving too. Gave me some hope. Thank you. x
I am not sure I agree with your analysis of Israel. Not because I "know" better - here know is used in the meaning of intuition or research,
but because I know better from living there 30 years (before I left it sometime in the mid 90's).
Israel does a very poor job in taking care of its own Jewish citizens, and I don't mean physical safety, but it destroys them mentally, culturally, etc. This is something very significate a lot of people don't really get. In a way this is the big secret of Israel (also Israelis don't see it).
The idea that the notion of "chosen-ness" is actually responsible for Israel’s policy sounds very appealing at first, and I myself was grappling with it for years. I have read Gilad Atzmon ideas which sort of make sense (in a way) but it leads to an intellectual dead end in my mind, even though it is very true in many parts - the overall conclusions are weak.
Israel has just manoeuvred itself to become centre for some int'l criminal mafia under the guise of a Jewish state (which it really isn't). This reality allowed for a lot of crazy stuff to happen in Israel who must maintain its Jewish front as a means of legitimacy to the entire project.
That is my current thinking - in a nutshell
I will, of course, change this outlook should I be persuaded to do so.
The stupidity of Israel in my mind comes from the outside.
Oh :( I get 500 Internal Server Error w this link.
Thank you so much! It works 👍 Most grateful x