Today they've got Holocaustianity and jisrael and that nasty Self Chosenism that contradicts The lovely Golden Rule of DO UNTO OTHERS so offensively. Thanks for trying to delve into the mystery of how they got to be so fucked up. Clearly in modern times, they're severely brainwashed by the banking dynasty and allied criminal super rich .00001% Jewish families behind ownership and control of media and education systems. Those banking families owned all the oil, and they needed a military lynchpin in their oil monopoly in the middle East, and THEY, not god, just posted "the Jews" there in jisrael to guard the place and fight for it tooth and nail for THEM the bankerfolk. These Ashkenazi goofballs have no history there, obviously. Their wailing wall was a Roman fort... I try not to look at the Bible too much because there's so much gobbledegook nonsense in it but it is important to try to answer this persnickety Jewish Question and thank you for doing a great job writing about it. You mention the idea of a very tragic event in their early history and it could be found in Gary Greenbergs excellent book The Moses Mystery. Greenberg, an impeccable Jewish historian with top notch credentials, demolishes the established Jewish historical timeline and proves that the Jews were Akhenaten's people, and that when the priests of Amen got back in power after Akhenaten's brief reign, that was "the Exodus" when Akhenaten's followers had to get the fuck out. Pharaoh Akhenaten is universally credited with the invention of monotheism. People still say AMEN, but have no idea that he was the rams headed God of thebes, Karnak, Luxor during the Arian Age of Aries the ram based on Precession of the Equinoxes every 2000 years. Then came Pisces Virgo (Jesus Mary iconography) and now it's Aquarius Leo (psychedelic reggae like Bob Marley and Jerry Garcia.) before the Arian age was the Taurean Age for 2000 years and there's plenty of bull god imagery from that early period. Anyway they found the Lords Prayer written in hieroglyphics "on earth as it is IN THE HEAVENS" and somehow they knew that the SPIRITUALITY on earth was symbolized in the stars. They acknowledged that this knowledge came from the Chaldean civilization... Anyway they wiped out every mention of Akhenaten and we only know about him and his great city from finding pieces of rubble with writing on them from his temples, that had been used as fill under stairways in later constructions, so that very first eviction of the Jews, eviction #1 of at least 109 and counting, was very likely a good kick in the pants that they never forgot... Read this book you won't be sorry:



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Once you reach religious level programming with any belief system, you've actually programmed that person to stop thinking, in that one particular area. Once you can convince someone to stop thinking in one particular area, that non thinking program (or area of the brain) then becomes what's called "neurologically facilitated". When one pathway in the brain becomes facilitated, it means that this particular brain highway (or pattern) becomes easier to pave and expand in the future. In short, once you stop thinking in one area, it's really easy to stop thinking in other areas too.

One of the biggest dreams of any mind control expert is to insert a program infection of "not thinking" into the public. A public who can't think for themselves will only run various pre-planted religious level belief programs for their behaviors and beliefs, in the absence of the freedom to engage in any deep rational or logical analysis of their daily routines etc.

To reach this level of religious unquestioning programmed belief, the insertion of that belief into the societal fabric has to be cross generational. Forcing one generation to believe in one particular concept or idea, doesn't usually graduate that belief to the level of irrefutable concrete fact. In order to gain this level of religious belief, you need to indoctrinate the public for many consecutive generations. The longer the indoctrination, the stronger the belief becomes. Only then will you produce what are known as unquestioning REPEATERS of the belief or in most cases today....REPEATERS of the lie. J. Christoff

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A Hasidic rabbi and Hebrew scholar, Yehoishophot Oliver, responded to my theory that Cain was a reverse-engineered Canaan, since the rest of the OT is an anti-Canaanite polemic: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/empire-and-religion. He wrote:

"although Cain sounds similar to Canaan as pronounced in English, in Hebrew the k sound is a different letter, kuf in Kayin/Cain and kaf in Canaan. These syllables were once pronounced differently so really, there's no connection there, unless you can point out some other source." So that makes sense that the Kenites/ Qayn would be separate from the Canaanites.

As you've noted, all of the stories in the Torah repeat with common themes. In a sense, it's the same story told again and again--a son who isn't entitled to the inheritance takes it from the oldest, often for the 'sin' of intermarrying with Canaanite women. All stories are, I believe, allegorical and inversions of the actual history, jumbled up in time. They often present themselves as the victors over those who evicted them, usurping the names.

I'm working on an article about the Hyksos and Habiru, and I'll be citing this. I'll post a note when it's up.

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I admire Laurent's efforts to find a solid theoretical basis to explain why Judaism is so problematic. I've made my own efforts, and I come at it from a very practical and current-day perspective. You can read it here:

Why So Many Problems With Jews, Why Does Judaism Exist, and Should Judaism Exist?


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No doubt today's Israelis are psychopathic in every aspect of their lives including worship. Now we know why.

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jew brained

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Hi Radbod, I only just discovered your Substack a few days ago and am enjoying working my way through your brilliantly, well thought out, and convincing essays on many points, which are almost inevitably never raised anywhere else.

Due to the COVID-Terrorism, and then watching the Gaza ghetto genocide unfold, I found myself digging into everything and that led me eventually to the Abrahamic religions and unpacking them, and found myself suitably horrified by the crimes of the cult of Yahweh and the Israelites, but in particular of Rome, the Roman Empire, which is the new Babylon accurately called by the Jews because Caius Julius Caesar, who according to Saussy in the Rulers of Evil Caesar was the first to be deified a god, and picked up the Babylonian title Pontifex Maximus, which is the God-Emperor-Ruler of the world title. Caesar claimed to be a descendant of the goddess Venus, who was known as Ishtar in Babylon, and Innana of the Annunaki-the Queen of Heaven -and then the Roman Catholic Church call her the Virgin Mary. Saussy also noted that Rome began as a colony of the Babylonians, so the elites were of the same Crown Imperial Aristocracy.

All of the tyranny of Babylon became the Roman Empire, and then the Roman Catholic Church, and this empire conquered and colonized Europe destroying all resistance with countless genocides as they 'Christianized' Europe and wiped out the 'pagans' - which were the free tribes of Aryan peoples.

Along the way the Jewish community has acted as agents of Rome and agents of the monarchies of Europe, and I have long asked myself why the Jews were a protected class of people - where the Romans cheerfully wiped countless other groups from the face of the earth.

I came to the following conclusion - which might give you some more ideas to explore.

First we ask our selves: Who was Abraham's God?

Abraham was born about about 1900 BCE and was a member of the Chaldeans in the city of Ur, which was a Sumer civilization city where they all worshiped the ancient giant kings and queens known as the Annunaki and called the sky-gods, and are the sources of all religions, all the polytheism, all the biblical narratives can be tracked to the Sumerian texts stories of these ancient rulers.

King Sargon amalgamated the city states about 2400 BCE into the Akkadian Empire which went on to become the Babylonian Empire, and they created the Babylon Mystery Religion which was the God-Emperor-King of all Kings, ruler of the whole earth religion - and the title was Pontifex Maximus - and Sargon was the first to declare himself the king of the entire world under this ideology - and they all worshipped the Annunaki God Ninurta, known in Babylon as I think Ashur, and Nimrod in the Bible, and was the god of the Assyrians as well. I personally believe this is the archetype for YHWH.

But regarding Abraham - his god was the God-Emperor-King of Babylon, who told him to go and take Canaan and set up a nation of people. Abraham was part of the elites of the empire.

Now to further back up this point of view, in the British museum they have the Black Obelisk of Calah - a stone carving showing the only Israelite king mentioned in the bible, king Jehu, 9th century BCE prostrating before the God-Emperor-King of Babylon, a giant Shalmaneser the 2nd - with 2 other giants who were standing up paying tribute to the emperor. King Jehu is about 2/3 of the giant kings, and the God-Emperor - I believe these giant kings were the last of the Annunaki giant kings and queens of the Sumerian texts. What is telling about king Jehu is he was on the ground prostrating, and he is shown wearing a Phrygian cap - which is the symbol of freed slaves, those given liberty at the will of the emperor - a system Rome carried forward in time. What this tells us is that the Israelite elites were VASSALS of the Babylonian God-Emperor kings -

There's more. When the Babylonian emperor came down hard on the Israelites and destroyed the 1st temple it was because the Israelite king of the time, having grown very rich and arrogant, was trying to wriggle out of being a vassal of Babylon. This resulted in the emperor crushing them, wiping out the temple, and taking the elites back to Babylon for RETRAINING.

The Israelite elites, were, and still are, part of the Babylon Crown Monarchy Imperial system.

Which explains why the Jews have always been a protected, and yet persecuted, class - because they are a tool of economic, political and social warfare of the true power - the Babylonian Emperors - which passed to Rome, and sits in the Vatican today - the Pontifex Maximus.

What happened in AD 66-70? When the Jewish zealots kept fighting against what they thought was 'foreign occupation' - the Roman Empire, which had become the new Babylon, and therefore the Israelites are a vassal of the Pontifex Maximus and became a vassal of Rome, but the ordinary Jews caught up in the cult of Yahweh would not have known that, and so you had a faction of zealots fighting not just the Romans but the Jewish elites who were in bed with the Romans, because actually they all come from Babylon!!!! Finally when the Romans had had enough they crushed the rebellion, and the temple was accidently burned to the ground. I've read a report somewhere that indicates it was not the Roman commanders intention to destroy it, but his troops got carried away in the heat of the battle.

If the Romans had wanted to destroy the Jews there would not be a Jew left alive today.

They didn't want to destroy them because they were a vassal nation of useful idiots which helped them to control the masses across the empire, and to tax the people across the empire, to administer the empire, and to take all the wealth from the people and colonies. The Jews were an essential component of the administration classes of the ancient empires, from the era of Babylon, all through to this day, which is exactly why they are a protected class.

And there is good evidence that under the Babylonian God-Emperors they spread the rule of the Crown Monarchy system worldwide, to the Indus Valley, to Egypt, and as far as Britain and Ireland.

I have concluded that Abraham's "God" was the God of Babylon, which was his God-Emperor-King - who told him to go and take Canaan, and he would father a colony, a nation!!!!! Abraham's God was the Babylonian emperor. And they were hell bent on ruling the entire world and doing it with brute force - which explains the genocidal psychopathy recorded in the bibles. And it was the priestly classes that were the Crown Imperial Aristocracy's government classes, and the arm that helped keep control of the people.

We are living under the tyranny of Rome, and the Jews whether they know it or not, work for the elites of this empire, which I personally like to call the Zion Imperial Empire, and the elites of this empire which track back to Rome, through the House of David, and back to Babylon, I like to call the Zion Imperial Aristocracy - the monarchies, banksters, and billionaires, this is the Evil that rules humanity, IMHO.

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Was sent here.

You write well.

_Cherish is the new love, be well._

*May God nod toward thee & thine!*

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This was fascinating. I remember reading the Bible as a child and a young adult and there was so much subtext that I was not taught that I would bet my teachers had no idea about either

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Jan 4
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Is it though? I live in America. One line of my ancestors goes back to before the country was founded. 400 years on this continent. What problem is Islam as long as my government does not allow them here? As for Israel, what has supporting Israel actually done for the US?

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Jan 5
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Yes…. But why are they being allowed in?

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Jan 5
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No dude. God is not punishing us. And we have been “blessing” Israel for many years and have received not a thing for it. US politicians are 98% supportive of Israel. Obsequious support.

We simply have politicians who have sold out the interests of US citizens.

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