Dear Mr. Guyénot, I've just discovered your blog and read a bunch of posts with great interest. (I'm very glad that now I know the facts about the Wailing Wall; thanks!) But if Christianity is wrong, I wonder whether there is anything to replace it with. May I ask, what do you believe? Do you think there is a god? Multiple gods? Or is Satan/Yahweh the only god? And if the god of the Jews is the only god, why does it seem to me that there are some good people in the world? (Not many, sure, but a few who are good enough that I can't believe that the god of the Jews created them.)
Thanks for asking, Jimmy, and welcome to my substack. To make it short, my worldview corresponds to what is commonly called "natural religion": I believe in God and the afterlife. More precisely, I feel very much in tune with Stoicism and its Cosmic, all-encompassing God. Stoicism, not paganism, was in my view what could have served the West well, just like Confucianism for the Chinese. I'll surely write about this later.
anything to replace it? How about replacing it with something that produces a better quality person, not just an obedient one? Something with an accent on reason, and courage, temperance and prudence. Just as a foundation. How about something that puts family first? something that encourages people to see life, reality for what it is, in the present not in some future paradise from which we must be rescued by a super hero. I know this takes courage, and it puts the accent on the individual, but i think it would make a great people.
fun fact; the Roman wall the Jews claim as their temple they are ritually coupling with (humping) Shekinah- their female local river blood sacrifice demon of chaos magic and murder that they were actively worshiping when their temple enclave was destroyed by Rome finally getting fed up with the endless grifting and mayhem of the Jews.
thank you! great article. very important. 10th legion comeback yeah! professor Gary Greenberg wrote a book that goes along with this showing how Jewish ancient history is a pack of lies in general. they were akhenatens people and the Exodus was when the priests of Amen got back into power after akhenatens very brief reign
I'm not sure there's any 'irony' at all in this. The jews used the 'christians' to conquer Rome, so, in essence, the 'Temple Mount/Fort Antonia' is a symbol of jewish dominion over non-jews. Just as the fort was a symbol of dominion over the jews when the Romans held it.
Jews didn't conquer Rome. Roman early Christians were mostly diverse Hellenistic people, few Hebrews who abandoned Judaism.
Ironically Jews returned mostly to what they were since Sumerian days: a wandering very gregarious stateless nation somewhat like Gypsies.
Nowadays Israel is basically heirs of European former central empires. Judaism agressive prophetism and exclusivism suits well American totalitarism, on top of Israel location near oil fields. With Operation Ukraine in bad shape American oligarchs have decided to try a coup de force against Silk Road and Christians in Levant, so Israel is well suited for this.
Actually North-Western dumb high class was the one that killed Rome, as well as Christianity, in 1204, by going at war against, and destroying what was still Roman Empire.
…And they succeeded! They accomplished exactly what God had chosen them for!
Then proceeded to deny it and continue to do the same job that they had already finished doing.
(Enclose picture of Jesus doing a face-plant)
It's been all downhill for them ever since.
“He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.
He came unto his own, and his own received him not.
But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.” (John 1:10-14)
Besides the Orthodox Christians, there are almost five thousand denominations of schismatic Christians who, having either knowingly or unknowingly stepped away from Orthodoxy, no longer understand the rudiments of their own faith.
This is all part and parcel of the 'Mystery of Iniquity' which is at work in the world which will culminate in the arrival of the Antichrist on the world-scene and the end of the world, as we know it.
lets be honest, people believe what they Want to stay in the club. humans need community, and in order to have it, you have to Say you believe some preposterous stuff. so if you are able to delude yourself, you will be welcome.
I converted after reading the New Testament. Really, really, didn’t want to be in the club. Still don’t. But when i read it, it just seems true to me. And it’s made my life much better. Now you anti Christian types just seem fake and gay to me now
I am glad it worked for you. I have ready roughly 50 different bibles. some of the Quran, lots of ancient religious texts. what i spiritually needed cannot be found in a book.
Most "Christians" have never read the Bible cover to cover in their lives, much less using an english translation they can understand *Side-eye at the KJV only zealots*
I do not recommend atheism. what i do suggest is, what ever religion that you have access to that drives you to become more than you are. to become excellent, to become a fully realized and cultivated individual. we cannot all be followers. some of us have to lead.
Christ is King. So many of our brothers and sisters somehow forget that St. Paul said the Jews are enemy to the whole human race. These anti-Christians are so cringe
I'd like to think that Christ would cringe at the idea of his followers using the word "cringe", a vapid word that denotes lack of seriousness or insight. I think Jesus would weep at the word "cringe" and the lost souls who use it.
Even worse, the Zionists paid Scofield to create an annotated Bible that twists scripture to support the Zionist agenda, and that is what the Baptists and Evangelicals base their heretical beliefs on.
because in the bible it kinda tells them to, IF they take it literally enough. Jesus is jewish, and one of gods chosen people of priests to the world, ya know,-- in a book they wrote.
"What a great irony, for a people so used to fool the world, and so confident in the power of their own symbols! If, unbeknownst to them, their prayers are really going up to the gods of Rome, will they bring down the return of the Tenth Legion on their head?"
actually today's Israel population has little to do with 1st century Hebrews. 1948 Israel was populated by Polaks, Russians, Romanians, etc. Further waves of settlement have brought Americans and what not and lot of former Sovietics who pretended to and more or less mimicked Judaism in order to leave Novossibirsk or Perm winters for sunny Mediterranean.
I guess when oil and gaz gets little in the region, Arabs will do a bloodbath on Israel, because then Americans will no longer have much use for it. Besides energy resources it is about cutting Silk Road, but this war is ongoing now and can have many surprises that may diminish or extend what time Israel has left. They are too small demography and the antisemitism totem has died with the genocide in Gaza.
The comment attributed by Jesus to the ‘den of thieves’ meant the zealot revolutionaries, who had made the temple their headquarters during the two years they’d kicked out the Roman Empire. It had been a repository of the stolen loot of the Yahwist theocracy, who collected the head tax that Judas the Nazarene, founder of the zealots, called the first step to slavery. 'Jesus' saw the Judeans as 'stealing' from the aristocracy and Rome, when they took back what had been extracted from them. My article comparing Josephus’ use of the same Greek word in War of the Jews, translated as thief or robber in the gospels, shows irrefutably that it means insurgent:
From word order analysis, tropes and stylistic devices, the probability of Josephus and the gospels having the same author is extremely high, as shown by Joe Atwill. Josephus is the only historian to ever mention Jesus by name in the Testimonium Flavianum. Rather than confirmation of Jesus as a historical person, this is more evidence that it’s a fiction written by the same source–as you point out, after Rome crushed the sovereignty movement, betrayed from within by Josephus, who became the ‘son of God’ aka Caesar.
In Anno Domini, Laurent, you’ve called into question all other first millennia documents. Why do you see both the gospels and Josephus as exceptions? Are there originals of either that exist? As a scholar, the story of Jesus needs to be open to question especially if it was, as I believe, written to kill the Christ, which was the zealot movement, hated by both Josephus and Jesus:
Hi Tereza, I do have doubts about the dates of these texts, but here, I didn't think it was relevant. And as a rule, I try to keep my "chronological revisionism" separate from other topics, because I don't have any certainty about it. So, although it is a bit uncomfortable, I can work within the standard chronological paradigm for various investigation. Constantly questioning the dates of all documents make it very difficult to make an argument that can stand on its own. Regarding Josephus, I used to have doubts that it was a Renaissance forgery, but I now think this is hardly possible, partly because of the kind of information he has, such as the one discussed in this article. I'll read you two post very soon. Regarding Atwill, I'm not quite convinced. I lean more toward the theory of Flavio Barbiero, "The Secret Society of Moses", who also claims that Josephus wrote the Gospel (and portrayed himself as Joseph of Arimathea), but with a Jewish, rather than a Roman agenda.
I appreciate the reply, Laurent. I went to order The Secret Society of Moses but Amazon kindly reminded me it was already on my shelf. Good thing, since there's only one copy left! I'll up it on my reading list.
So it seems like you and Barbiero agree with Joe's most pertinent point, that Josephus wrote the gospel(s) or that both were written by the same person. There's no question about Josephus' imperial alliance, who had proclaimed Vespasian as the messiah during the war and became his adopted son when he became Caesar. He blames the zealots for his loss of his birthright and says that they are demon-possessed, even the children being burned alive at Masada.
If the Christ had been an anti-imperial revolutionary, as people like to project, Josephus would have written about him as a leader of demons--as he did. Except this wasn't Jesus, this was Judas Iscariot, transposing Judas the Sicariot, founder of the zealots. If Jesus did exist historically, he was a Roman collaborator and traitor to his people--like Josephus. Perhaps even the father of Josephus, crucified by accident as one of the rebels, even though he was loyal to Rome. That's what the crucifixion story says once good thief and bad thief are translated as insurgents.
I would love to be part of a group that starts with what's known for certain, in terms of manuscripts. I was looking at: and wondering how those dates fit with your chronological revisionism. Can the dates of papyri be taken as accurate or not? I apologize, the answer is probably in Anno Domini if I scanned through.
And to do a point by point comparison of what the passages of the gospels would mean if written by Josephus with a pro-imperial bias. And then how they would be interpreted if about an anti-imperial revolutionary. Side-by-side, that would end the debate in one direction or another.
You seem to confuse the temple mount with the temple plaza. Neither of which were the "temple" itself.
The temple mount is simply the actual mountain made of earth that existed before any thing was built on/over it.
The temple plaza is what Herod built because there was no way he was going to be able to create his Herods Temple that was an order of magnitude larger than the biblical specification on a freaking mountain top. He needed a MASSIVE FLAT plaza to build on. So he built four retaining walls AROUND the mountain and then filled them in creating this MASSIVE FLAT plaza.
Then the actual temple and everything else was built on top of that plaza.
Well guess what? The entire temple that stood on top of the plaza IS GONE. No stone left on top of another.
The "western wall" is merely one of the retaining walls of the plaza which again was not the temple.
So there is no conflict with the new testament prophecy here. It absolutely came true that the temple itself had not a single stone standing on top of another
Many mistakenly presume the "western wall" was actually part of the the "temple" as well as easily conflate between what was the mountain, the plaza, the retaining walls of the plaza that surrounded the mountain, and the temple itself
it is not really that complicated and there are no new testament conflicts here to resolve
Roman fort has been mistaken for the Temple Mount". Ha ! delightful. This does not surprise me either. Building on the works of those before, is easier, than building your own.
Point 1, Josephus, has been so edited, (besides being is excessively poor character, as in traitorous to his own people) that it cannot be relied on.
Point 2,
The Romans had no reason what ever to lie about it. They kept very reliable records.
I am not a fan of the Romans, however, a people that promoted hygiene in making sure everyone could have a hot bath was not all bad.
yes. I remember that sulis was the northern European goddess of hot water. I started growing thousands of pounds of garlic every year after learning that the only food that Rome sent out to the far flung legions was garlic. the rest of their food they got locally wherever they were, but garlic was sent from Rome. El Ajo tiene alma- the garlic has soul. y El Ajo es mas bueno de diez madres garlic is better than 10 mothers... so they said or still say in Spain. I remember that they killed Patton because he started talking about how we fought the wrong enemy in ww2. he was not impressed with the Jews level of cleanliness, and etc etc etc. Patton needed to be killed because he could have run for president and won in a landslide because he was a big hero. most people have no idea about all the other important people like William McKinley and jfk killed by the Jew World Order... its fucking disgusting. everyone should be exposed to the simple details for themselves, because people like me who know can tell you till we're blue in the face and its like water off a ducks back, but once people see the evidence for themselves... like how Jews did 9/11 and 10/7 and had the hutzpah to blame it on "the" the Muslims... what the hell is wrong with everybody that isn't talking about it with their friends?????
a permanent outsider class is needed to foment conflict at will by the people who think they own us. who most fits that bill? the only people allowed to keep their clan in all abrahamism. families are the natural power structure, the natural ethnicity. tribes, clans. we are all a tribal people once. we all chose chieftains of renown. wise grandmothers, had a special day . the rest are reduced to a Color. in the language of the oppressors. also, read this book called "Hitlers path to war" by david irvings. it draws from the diaries of all involved that still exist. It did not have to involve britian or the usa at all. and thank you i am curious about patton.
Still worshipping their King Caesar two thousand years later.
Dear Mr. Guyénot, I've just discovered your blog and read a bunch of posts with great interest. (I'm very glad that now I know the facts about the Wailing Wall; thanks!) But if Christianity is wrong, I wonder whether there is anything to replace it with. May I ask, what do you believe? Do you think there is a god? Multiple gods? Or is Satan/Yahweh the only god? And if the god of the Jews is the only god, why does it seem to me that there are some good people in the world? (Not many, sure, but a few who are good enough that I can't believe that the god of the Jews created them.)
Thanks for asking, Jimmy, and welcome to my substack. To make it short, my worldview corresponds to what is commonly called "natural religion": I believe in God and the afterlife. More precisely, I feel very much in tune with Stoicism and its Cosmic, all-encompassing God. Stoicism, not paganism, was in my view what could have served the West well, just like Confucianism for the Chinese. I'll surely write about this later.
what could serve the west well? don't forget the real reason for the season
I look forward to that writing.
anything to replace it? How about replacing it with something that produces a better quality person, not just an obedient one? Something with an accent on reason, and courage, temperance and prudence. Just as a foundation. How about something that puts family first? something that encourages people to see life, reality for what it is, in the present not in some future paradise from which we must be rescued by a super hero. I know this takes courage, and it puts the accent on the individual, but i think it would make a great people.
Very well put. And hopefully a society where riches are not seen as the ultimate goal and those possessing huge amounts of it don’t get to rule us.
fun fact; the Roman wall the Jews claim as their temple they are ritually coupling with (humping) Shekinah- their female local river blood sacrifice demon of chaos magic and murder that they were actively worshiping when their temple enclave was destroyed by Rome finally getting fed up with the endless grifting and mayhem of the Jews.
I've long wondered about the connection between Shekinah and the "Shock and Awe" campaign by the marauders following the 9/11 false flag.
it may be , then israel will become the new noahide Rome.
thank you! great article. very important. 10th legion comeback yeah! professor Gary Greenberg wrote a book that goes along with this showing how Jewish ancient history is a pack of lies in general. they were akhenatens people and the Exodus was when the priests of Amen got back into power after akhenatens very brief reign
I'm not sure there's any 'irony' at all in this. The jews used the 'christians' to conquer Rome, so, in essence, the 'Temple Mount/Fort Antonia' is a symbol of jewish dominion over non-jews. Just as the fort was a symbol of dominion over the jews when the Romans held it.
Jews didn't conquer Rome. Roman early Christians were mostly diverse Hellenistic people, few Hebrews who abandoned Judaism.
Ironically Jews returned mostly to what they were since Sumerian days: a wandering very gregarious stateless nation somewhat like Gypsies.
Nowadays Israel is basically heirs of European former central empires. Judaism agressive prophetism and exclusivism suits well American totalitarism, on top of Israel location near oil fields. With Operation Ukraine in bad shape American oligarchs have decided to try a coup de force against Silk Road and Christians in Levant, so Israel is well suited for this.
Actually North-Western dumb high class was the one that killed Rome, as well as Christianity, in 1204, by going at war against, and destroying what was still Roman Empire.
Fucking a wall for Satan!
The Jews had one job to do…
…And they succeeded! They accomplished exactly what God had chosen them for!
Then proceeded to deny it and continue to do the same job that they had already finished doing.
(Enclose picture of Jesus doing a face-plant)
It's been all downhill for them ever since.
“He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.
He came unto his own, and his own received him not.
But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.” (John 1:10-14)
Why then do so many "Christians" in the USA, especially in the Protestant cults, worship the Jews?
"Christians United for Israel" in the US alone has 10.5 million members. And there are many other "Christian" organizations
Besides the Orthodox Christians, there are almost five thousand denominations of schismatic Christians who, having either knowingly or unknowingly stepped away from Orthodoxy, no longer understand the rudiments of their own faith.
This is all part and parcel of the 'Mystery of Iniquity' which is at work in the world which will culminate in the arrival of the Antichrist on the world-scene and the end of the world, as we know it.
lets be honest, people believe what they Want to stay in the club. humans need community, and in order to have it, you have to Say you believe some preposterous stuff. so if you are able to delude yourself, you will be welcome.
you'd make a good mormon
they have tried to convert me and failed every time. too honest.
I converted after reading the New Testament. Really, really, didn’t want to be in the club. Still don’t. But when i read it, it just seems true to me. And it’s made my life much better. Now you anti Christian types just seem fake and gay to me now
I am glad it worked for you. I have ready roughly 50 different bibles. some of the Quran, lots of ancient religious texts. what i spiritually needed cannot be found in a book.
Most "Christians" have never read the Bible cover to cover in their lives, much less using an english translation they can understand *Side-eye at the KJV only zealots*
well, i have read at least 50 different bibles. do that and try to remain christian!
I've tried Atheism. Complete waste of time. Christ is King.
I do not recommend atheism. what i do suggest is, what ever religion that you have access to that drives you to become more than you are. to become excellent, to become a fully realized and cultivated individual. we cannot all be followers. some of us have to lead.
Christ is King. So many of our brothers and sisters somehow forget that St. Paul said the Jews are enemy to the whole human race. These anti-Christians are so cringe
I'd like to think that Christ would cringe at the idea of his followers using the word "cringe", a vapid word that denotes lack of seriousness or insight. I think Jesus would weep at the word "cringe" and the lost souls who use it.
Even worse, the Zionists paid Scofield to create an annotated Bible that twists scripture to support the Zionist agenda, and that is what the Baptists and Evangelicals base their heretical beliefs on.
Christianity is power. Powerful enough that you make an anti-Christian username. Can’t hate something unless it has power over you.
because in the bible it kinda tells them to, IF they take it literally enough. Jesus is jewish, and one of gods chosen people of priests to the world, ya know,-- in a book they wrote.
What I believe is even way stranger than any of that:
"What a great irony, for a people so used to fool the world, and so confident in the power of their own symbols! If, unbeknownst to them, their prayers are really going up to the gods of Rome, will they bring down the return of the Tenth Legion on their head?"
actually today's Israel population has little to do with 1st century Hebrews. 1948 Israel was populated by Polaks, Russians, Romanians, etc. Further waves of settlement have brought Americans and what not and lot of former Sovietics who pretended to and more or less mimicked Judaism in order to leave Novossibirsk or Perm winters for sunny Mediterranean.
I guess when oil and gaz gets little in the region, Arabs will do a bloodbath on Israel, because then Americans will no longer have much use for it. Besides energy resources it is about cutting Silk Road, but this war is ongoing now and can have many surprises that may diminish or extend what time Israel has left. They are too small demography and the antisemitism totem has died with the genocide in Gaza.
The comment attributed by Jesus to the ‘den of thieves’ meant the zealot revolutionaries, who had made the temple their headquarters during the two years they’d kicked out the Roman Empire. It had been a repository of the stolen loot of the Yahwist theocracy, who collected the head tax that Judas the Nazarene, founder of the zealots, called the first step to slavery. 'Jesus' saw the Judeans as 'stealing' from the aristocracy and Rome, when they took back what had been extracted from them. My article comparing Josephus’ use of the same Greek word in War of the Jews, translated as thief or robber in the gospels, shows irrefutably that it means insurgent:
From word order analysis, tropes and stylistic devices, the probability of Josephus and the gospels having the same author is extremely high, as shown by Joe Atwill. Josephus is the only historian to ever mention Jesus by name in the Testimonium Flavianum. Rather than confirmation of Jesus as a historical person, this is more evidence that it’s a fiction written by the same source–as you point out, after Rome crushed the sovereignty movement, betrayed from within by Josephus, who became the ‘son of God’ aka Caesar.
In Anno Domini, Laurent, you’ve called into question all other first millennia documents. Why do you see both the gospels and Josephus as exceptions? Are there originals of either that exist? As a scholar, the story of Jesus needs to be open to question especially if it was, as I believe, written to kill the Christ, which was the zealot movement, hated by both Josephus and Jesus:
Hi Tereza, I do have doubts about the dates of these texts, but here, I didn't think it was relevant. And as a rule, I try to keep my "chronological revisionism" separate from other topics, because I don't have any certainty about it. So, although it is a bit uncomfortable, I can work within the standard chronological paradigm for various investigation. Constantly questioning the dates of all documents make it very difficult to make an argument that can stand on its own. Regarding Josephus, I used to have doubts that it was a Renaissance forgery, but I now think this is hardly possible, partly because of the kind of information he has, such as the one discussed in this article. I'll read you two post very soon. Regarding Atwill, I'm not quite convinced. I lean more toward the theory of Flavio Barbiero, "The Secret Society of Moses", who also claims that Josephus wrote the Gospel (and portrayed himself as Joseph of Arimathea), but with a Jewish, rather than a Roman agenda.
I appreciate the reply, Laurent. I went to order The Secret Society of Moses but Amazon kindly reminded me it was already on my shelf. Good thing, since there's only one copy left! I'll up it on my reading list.
So it seems like you and Barbiero agree with Joe's most pertinent point, that Josephus wrote the gospel(s) or that both were written by the same person. There's no question about Josephus' imperial alliance, who had proclaimed Vespasian as the messiah during the war and became his adopted son when he became Caesar. He blames the zealots for his loss of his birthright and says that they are demon-possessed, even the children being burned alive at Masada.
If the Christ had been an anti-imperial revolutionary, as people like to project, Josephus would have written about him as a leader of demons--as he did. Except this wasn't Jesus, this was Judas Iscariot, transposing Judas the Sicariot, founder of the zealots. If Jesus did exist historically, he was a Roman collaborator and traitor to his people--like Josephus. Perhaps even the father of Josephus, crucified by accident as one of the rebels, even though he was loyal to Rome. That's what the crucifixion story says once good thief and bad thief are translated as insurgents.
I would love to be part of a group that starts with what's known for certain, in terms of manuscripts. I was looking at: and wondering how those dates fit with your chronological revisionism. Can the dates of papyri be taken as accurate or not? I apologize, the answer is probably in Anno Domini if I scanned through.
And to do a point by point comparison of what the passages of the gospels would mean if written by Josephus with a pro-imperial bias. And then how they would be interpreted if about an anti-imperial revolutionary. Side-by-side, that would end the debate in one direction or another.
Thanks again.
yeah, i do not think jesus actually did and said all that. he did neutralize some political movements conveniently tho.
They cry to the wall and turn around to butcher kids and rape.
What an irony, all sick psychopaths
The wailing wall is as false as the Jewish temple wall it supposed to be.
It’s an old Roman Wall.
You seem to confuse the temple mount with the temple plaza. Neither of which were the "temple" itself.
The temple mount is simply the actual mountain made of earth that existed before any thing was built on/over it.
The temple plaza is what Herod built because there was no way he was going to be able to create his Herods Temple that was an order of magnitude larger than the biblical specification on a freaking mountain top. He needed a MASSIVE FLAT plaza to build on. So he built four retaining walls AROUND the mountain and then filled them in creating this MASSIVE FLAT plaza.
Then the actual temple and everything else was built on top of that plaza.
Well guess what? The entire temple that stood on top of the plaza IS GONE. No stone left on top of another.
The "western wall" is merely one of the retaining walls of the plaza which again was not the temple.
So there is no conflict with the new testament prophecy here. It absolutely came true that the temple itself had not a single stone standing on top of another
Many mistakenly presume the "western wall" was actually part of the the "temple" as well as easily conflate between what was the mountain, the plaza, the retaining walls of the plaza that surrounded the mountain, and the temple itself
it is not really that complicated and there are no new testament conflicts here to resolve
Roman fort has been mistaken for the Temple Mount". Ha ! delightful. This does not surprise me either. Building on the works of those before, is easier, than building your own.
Point 1, Josephus, has been so edited, (besides being is excessively poor character, as in traitorous to his own people) that it cannot be relied on.
Point 2,
The Romans had no reason what ever to lie about it. They kept very reliable records.
I am not a fan of the Romans, however, a people that promoted hygiene in making sure everyone could have a hot bath was not all bad.
and the garlic.
yes , that was awesome too.
yes. I remember that sulis was the northern European goddess of hot water. I started growing thousands of pounds of garlic every year after learning that the only food that Rome sent out to the far flung legions was garlic. the rest of their food they got locally wherever they were, but garlic was sent from Rome. El Ajo tiene alma- the garlic has soul. y El Ajo es mas bueno de diez madres garlic is better than 10 mothers... so they said or still say in Spain. I remember that they killed Patton because he started talking about how we fought the wrong enemy in ww2. he was not impressed with the Jews level of cleanliness, and etc etc etc. Patton needed to be killed because he could have run for president and won in a landslide because he was a big hero. most people have no idea about all the other important people like William McKinley and jfk killed by the Jew World Order... its fucking disgusting. everyone should be exposed to the simple details for themselves, because people like me who know can tell you till we're blue in the face and its like water off a ducks back, but once people see the evidence for themselves... like how Jews did 9/11 and 10/7 and had the hutzpah to blame it on "the" the Muslims... what the hell is wrong with everybody that isn't talking about it with their friends?????
a permanent outsider class is needed to foment conflict at will by the people who think they own us. who most fits that bill? the only people allowed to keep their clan in all abrahamism. families are the natural power structure, the natural ethnicity. tribes, clans. we are all a tribal people once. we all chose chieftains of renown. wise grandmothers, had a special day . the rest are reduced to a Color. in the language of the oppressors. also, read this book called "Hitlers path to war" by david irvings. it draws from the diaries of all involved that still exist. It did not have to involve britian or the usa at all. and thank you i am curious about patton.
2 Timothy 3:13 But evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.
Very very very interesting article! Excellent job!
Really, who cares? This debate is a distraction for genocide.